FORM 3A - Director/Chief Executive Notice - Interests in Shares of Listed Corporation
Form Serial Number: DA20220826E00250
1. Date of relevant event: 23/08/2022
2. Date when director became aware of the relevant event/ interest in the shares (if later):
3. Stock code: 03319
4. Name of listed corporation: 雅生活智慧城市服務股份有限公司 - H股 
5. Class of shares: H Shares 
6. Number of issued shares in class: 1,420,000,800
7. Name of director (English) as printed on HKID Card/Passport:
(Surname) Li
(Other names) Dalong
10. Name of director (Chinese): 李大龙 
11. Chinese Character Code as printed on HKID Card: 262111297893
24. Details of relevant event:
  Brief description of relevant event Capacity in which shares were/are held Number of shares bought/sold or involved Currency of transaction On Exchange Off Exchange
Before relevant event After relevant event Highest price (per share) Average price (per share) Average consideration (per share) Consideration code
Long position 
1201The number of shares in which you are interested has reduced because:
you completed a sale of the shares
2201Interest of corporation controlled by you
29,500,000  HKD      7.0100 
Short position 
25. Total shares in listed corporation immediately before the relevant event:
 Total number of sharesPercentage figure (%)
Long position48,822,6463.44
26. Total shares in listed corporation immediately after the relevant event:
 Total number of sharesPercentage figure (%)
Long position19,322,6461.36
27. Capacity in which interests disclosed in Box 26 are held:
Code describing capacityNumber of shares
2201Interest of corporation controlled by you
Long position19,122,646
2202Interest of your spouse
Long position200,000
28. Further information in derivative interests in listed corporation :
Derivatives code Exercise period (dd/mm/yyyy) Consideration - if derivatives granted by listed corporation Number of shares
  BeginsEndsCurrencyPrice for grantCurrencyExercise priceCurrencyPrice on assignment 
29. Further information in relation to interests of children under 18 and/or spouse:
Child/SpouseName of child/spouseNumber of shares
Long position200,000
30. Further information in relation to interests of corporations controlled by Director:
Name of controlled corporationAddress and place of incorporationName of controlling person% controlDirect interest (Y/N)Number of shares
共青城雅生活投资管理合伙企业(有限合伙)中国江西省九江市共青城市私募基金创新园内 中国李大龙2.50Y
Long position19,122,646
天津朝泰商业中心(有限合伙)中国天津市武清区杨村街道胜利路10号3005室 中国李大龙99.90N
Long position19,122,646
上海焰雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)中国上海市奉贤区金碧路1990号1层 中国李大龙2.50N
Long position19,122,646
上海焰雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)中国上海市奉贤区金碧路1990号1层 中国天津朝泰商业中心(有限合伙)47.50N
Long position19,122,646
上海澄雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)中国上海市奉贤区金碧路1990号1层 中国李大龙2.50N
Long position19,122,646
上海澄雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)中国上海市奉贤区金碧路1990号1层 中国天津朝泰商业中心(有限合伙)47.50N
Long position19,122,646
上海烨雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)中国上海市奉贤区金碧路1990号1层 中国上海焰雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)50.00N
Long position19,122,646
上海烨雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)中国上海市奉贤区金碧路1990号1层 中国上海澄雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)50.00N
Long position19,122,646
共青城雅生活投资管理合伙企业(有限合伙)中国江西省九江市共青城市私募基金创新园内 中国上海烨雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)45.00Y
Long position19,122,646
天津奉欣商业中心(有限合伙)中国天津市武清区杨村街道胜利路10号3007室 中国李大龙0.10N
Long position19,122,646
上海葆雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)中国上海市奉贤区金碧路1990号1层 中国天津奉欣商业中心(有限合伙)94.96N
Long position19,122,646
上海咏雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)中国上海市奉贤区金碧路1990号1层 中国上海葆雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)50.00N
Long position19,122,646
上海秉雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)中国上海市奉贤区金碧路1990号1层 中国天津奉欣商业中心(有限合伙)95.00N
Long position19,122,646
上海咏雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)中国上海市奉贤区金碧路1990号1层 中国上海秉雅商务咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)50.00N
Long position19,122,646
Long position19,122,646
31. Further information in relation to interests held by Director jointly with another person:
Name of joint shareholderAddressNumber of shares
32. Further information from a director who is a trustee, or beneficiary of a trust, or a person who has set up a Discretionary Trust:
Names of TrustAddressStatus codeNumber of shares
33. Further information from a party to an agreement under Section 317 (Please see Notes for further information required):
Names of other partiesAddressNumber of shares
Total number of shares in which a director is interested under sections 317 and 318
34. Supplementary information: 于2022年8月19日,共青城雅生活投资管理合伙企业(有限合伙)就出售29,500,000股雅生活智慧城市服务股份有限公司H股订立大宗交易协议。详情请参阅雅居乐集团控股有限公司日期为2022年8月19日的公告。该交易已于2022年8月23日完成。
35. Log/Serial Number of the previous form:
36. Number of concert party document(s) under section 317 attached/uploaded:
Date of filing this Form 3A: 26/08/2022