Form Serial Number: |
IS20180824E00265 (Superseded by IS20180828E00239)
Date of relevant event: |
21/08/2018 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Date when the substantial shareholder becomes aware of the relevant event / interest in the shares (if later): |
Stock code: |
01611 |
Name of listed corporation: |
Pantronics Holdings Ltd. |
Class of shares: |
Ordinary Shares |
Number of issued shares in class: |
300,794,332 |
Name of substantial shareholder (English) as printed on HKID Card/Passport: |
(Surname) |
Li |
(Other names) |
Lin |
Name of substantial shareholder (Chinese): |
李林 |
Chinese Character Code as printed on HKID Card: |
Details of relevant event: |
Brief description of relevant event |
Capacity in which shares were/are held |
Number of shares bought/sold or involved |
Currency of transaction |
On Exchange |
Off Exchange |
Before relevant event |
After relevant event |
Highest price (per share) |
Average price (per share) |
Average consideration (per share) |
Nature of consideration |
Long position |
1001 | You first acquire a notifiable interest because: you purchased the shares | |
2201 | Interest of corporation controlled by you | |
221,781,668 |
2.7200 |
Short position |
Total shares immediately before the relevant event: |
| Total number of shares | Percentage figure (%) |
Long position | 0 | 0.00 |
Total shares immediately after the relevant event: |
| Total number of shares | Percentage figure (%) |
Long position | 221,781,668 | 73.73 |
Capacity in which interests disclosed in Box 16 are held: |
Capacity code | Number of shares |
2201 | Interest of corporation controlled by you |
| |
Further information in respect of derivative interests: |
Derivatives code | Number of shares |
| |
Further information in relation to interests of children under 18 and/or spouse: |
Child/Spouse | Name of child/spouse | Number of shares |
| | |
Further information in relation to interests of corporations controlled by substantial shareholder: |
Name of controlled corporation | Address and place of incorporation | Name of controlling shareholder | % control | Direct interest (Y/N) | Number of shares |
Techwealth Limited | Vistra Corporate Services Centre, Wickhams Cay II, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islands (British Virgin Islands) | Li Lin | 89.09 | Y | |
Huobi Capital Inc. | P.O. Box 31119, Grand Pavilion, Hibiscus Way, 802 West Bay Road, Grand Cayman, KY1-1205 Cayman Islands (Cayman Islands) | Li Lin | 100.00 | Y | |
Huobi Universal Inc. | P.O. Box 2075, #31 The Strand, 46 Canal Point Drive, Grand Cayman KY1-1105, Cayman Islands (Caymand Islands) | Techwealth Limited | 58.44 | N | |
Huobi Global Limited | Harneys Fiduciary (Cayman) Limited, 4th Floor, Harbour Place, 103 South Church Street, P.O. Box 10240, Grand Cayman KY1-1002, Cayman Islands (Caymand Islands) | Huobi Universal Inc., Huobi Capital Inc. | 100.00 | N | |
Further information in relation to interests held by substantial shareholder jointly with another person: |
Name of joint shareholder | Address | Number of shares |
| | |
Further information from a trustee, a beneficiary of a trust, or a person who has set up a discretionary trust: |
Names of trust | Address | Status code | Number of shares |
| | | |
Further information from a party to an agreement under Section 317 (Please see Notes for further information required): |
Names of other parties | Address | Number of shares |
| | |
Total number of shares in which a substantial shareholder is interested under sections 317 and 318 | |
Supplementary information: |
Log/Serial Number of the previous form: |
Number of concert party document(s) under section 317 attached/uploaded: |
Date of filing this Form 1: |
24/08/2018 (dd/mm/yyyy)